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In 2020, the global community was fighting against the SARS CoV-2 virus pandemic (COVID-19). It resulted in major disruptions of daily lives of people, businesses and economies in a concerted worldwide effort to stem the spread of the virus. Schools and workplaces were forced to close and all modes of international and domestic travel were halted. Hospitals and healthcare facilities in various countries faced the spectre of a crisis due to the rapidly dwindling supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and shortage of hospital bed space amidst the exponential increase in infected patients.
Amid the ominous circumstances, Cityneon and its subsidiaries, Animax Designs and CNeX, played their part in contributing to national and statewide efforts to alleviate the burgeoning demand for the required health equipment.
Animax Designs repurposed their production lines, producing face shields using 3-D printers and molds, while the company’s costume design department hand-stitched face masks. Animax went the extra mile to cater to a younger audience. It stitched smaller face masks for children, and donated its face masks in collaboration with New Zealand’s Pukeko Pictures, a television show for children. The children in the show wore masks stitched by the team at Animax and spread the message of the importance of personal hygiene to children through the television show.
CNeX worked as a part of a collection of companies, with the Singapore government to repurpose the Singapore Expo Convention Centre and Exhibition Halls into isolation and quarantine zones.
Click here to watch the Tennessee state news’ interview with Animax Designs on their efforts to fight the pandemic:
Animax Designs‘ Interview with Tennessee state news
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