Executive Chairman & Group CEO

Ron Tan


(Ron Tan)


ロン タン
(Ron Tan)

Ron Tan is the Executive Chairman & Group CEO of neon Group and as the key executive of neon, Ron managed to transform the company to become one of the fastest-growing companies in Singapore.

Ron spearheaded partnerships with international studios such as Disney, Marvel, Hasbro, Universal, Lionsgate, 20th Century and Warner Bros., and also successfully established partnerships with governments of the world for their Cultural IP – Machu Picchu from Peru, and Ramses the Great (Ramses II) from Egypt and more. These partnerships enable neon to constantly expand its global footprints and bring impactful experiences to visitors all around the world.

He has also brought neon to greater renown, bagging awards in Singapore and the region, with the most recent being the inaugural “Best Managed Company Singapore Award 2021” organised by Deloitte and individually for Ron, “EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award”, organised by Ernst & Young in the year 2019.

Ron led 3 rounds of fundraising for neon in the year 2019, 2021 and 2022, raising a total of approximately USD355 million for the company’s strategic expansion. neon welcomed CITIC Capital, EDBI, the investment arm of the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) and Pavilion Capital on board in 2019. The fundraising round in April 2021 saw Seatown Holdings International and Qatar’s Doha Venture Capital, joining the already strong stable of shareholders in neon. 65 Equity Partners, an independently managed wholly-owned investment platform of Temasek came on board in October 2022 with a fresh investment of USD105 million, fueling the global expansion plans of the Group.

In April 2023, Ron was appointed as a Board Member of the Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC) and currently sits on the Ministry of Trade and Industry’s (MTI), advisory panel for the Sentosa-Brani Master Plan, to redevelop Sentosa and Pulau Brani into a game-changing leisure and tourism destination.

An alumnus from The Chinese High School and Hwa Chong Junior College, Ron was awarded a scholarship by the Singapore government to pursue his Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Hawaii at Manoa where he graduated with a perfect 4.0 GPA.

Ever the thought leader, Ron brings a dynamism that translates into a strong track record of performance and turnaround in high-paced organisations.

陈益智(Ron Tan)先生是Cityneon Holdings的执行主席兼集团首席执行官,也是Cityneon Holdings全资子公司 VHE 展览公司的首席执行官。作为集团的关键领导者,陈益智(Ron Tan)先生成功将公司转型为新加坡发展最快的公司之一。

陈益智(Ron Tan)先生曾是新加坡本地和国际上市公司的董事会成员,同时也是 EMS Holdings、Hi-5 World 和 BASE entertainment Asia 等国际娱乐公司的董事会成员。在此之前,他曾在 MediaCorp、LexisNexis Asia Pacific in Singapore & Hong Kong、新加坡旅游局和新加坡经济发展局等多家机构担任重要管理岗位。

陈益智(Ron Tan)先生曾就读于中国的高中和华中初院。在其荣获新加坡政府海外奖学金的同时,以 GPA 4.0 的优异成绩毕业于夏威夷大学马诺阿分校并获得理学学士学位。

Ron Tan is the Executive Chairman & Group CEO of Cityneon Holdings and the CEO/President of Victory Hill Exhibitions, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cityneon Holdings. As chief executive, Ron managed to transform Cityneon into one of the fastest-growing companies in Singapore.

Having helmed local and international publicly listed companies, Ron has also been a board member of international entertainment companies such as EMS Holdings, Hi-5 World and BASE Entertainment Asia. He has also held key management positions at MediaCorp, LexisNexis Asia Pacific in Singapore and Hong Kong, the Singapore Tourism Board, and the Economic Development Board of Singapore.

Ron studied at The Chinese High School and Hwa Chong Junior College. He was awarded a scholarship by the Singapore government to pursue his Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, where he graduated with a 4.0 GPA.

A Trusted Track Record

With boundless energy and enthusiasm, Ron has consistently driven outstanding results at high-performance organisations to become an industry thought leader.

Under Ron’s leadership with himself as principal shareholder, neon’s market capitalisation has grown 50-fold from approximately S$20 million in 2014 to $1.1 billion today. Its FY2017 performance saw groundbreaking results with a 21% increase in revenue to S$116.7 million, half of which was contributed by the Intellectual Property Rights segment. Gross profit rose by 84% to S$63.8 million while margins grew from 36% to 54.7%. Net profit soared by over 160% to S$17.4 million.

These milestones were marked by coveted Singaporean and regional award-giving bodies, with neon winning the award for Best Listed Company, and Ron winning the Executive of the Year – Media & Entertainment award at the SBR Management Excellence Awards 2018. Ron was also the recipient of the prestigious EY Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2019.

Forming New and Exiting Partnerships

Always on the lookout for ways to create even bigger, more mind-blowing events, Ron has formed partnerships with major international studios such as Disney, Marvel, Hasbro, Universal, Lionsgate and 20th Century Studios, developing electrifying new avenues for growing their respective billion-dollar brands.

Ron continues to expand neon’s portfolio of projects by working with multinational companies and government agencies, travelling around the world in search of the next big idea for an unforgettable entertainment experience.

往绩占优 值得信赖

凭借对事业的投入和无限热爱,陈益智(Ron Tan)先生持续致力于卓越团队建设与高效推动业绩,成为行业思想领袖。

在陈益智(Ron Tan)先生的领导下,Cityneon的市值增长了50倍,从2014年的约2000万新元增长到今天的11亿美元。其中2017财年业绩最具突破性,收入增至1.167亿新元,同比增长21%,其中一半来自知识产权管理部门。毛利润增长84%,收入增至6,380万新元,利润率从36%增长至54.7%。净利润增长超过160%,达到1740万新元。

新加坡和区域性颁奖机构历年来对Cityneon的荣誉授予标志着对Cityneon行业引领者的肯定,也标志着集团不断稳健发展的新征程。Cityneon曾荣获最佳上市公司奖,陈益智(Ron Tan)先生带领集团在 2018 年 SBR 卓越管理奖(SBR Management Excellence awards)上荣获“2018 年最佳上市公司”和“年度最佳媒体 与娱乐行业高管”双重荣誉。陈益智(Ron Tan)先生还获得了业内享有盛誉的2019年度《安永企业家》奖。


陈益智(Ron Tan)先生不断找寻创造规模宏大且无与伦比的体验娱乐新路径,与华特迪士尼,漫威,孩之宝,环球影城,狮门影业和20世纪电影工作室等主要国际电影制片厂建立长期合作伙伴关系,为其各自价值数十亿美元的品牌发展不断开发振奋人心的新产品。

陈益智(Ron Tan)先生还与跨国公司和政府机构合作,持续扩大Cityneon的业务规模,不断在世界各地找寻独具特色的伟大创意,为全球游客带来难以忘怀的的娱乐体验。

A Trusted Track Record

With boundless energy and enthusiasm, Ron has consistently driven outstanding results at high-performance organisations to become an industry thought leader.

Under Ron’s leadership with himself as principal shareholder, Cityneon’s market capitalisation has grown 50-fold from approximately S$20 million in 2014 to $1.1 billion today. Its FY2017 performance saw groundbreaking results with a 21% increase in revenue to S$116.7 million, half of which was contributed by the Intellectual Property Rights segment. Gross profit rose by 84% to S$63.8 million while margins grew from 36% to 54.7%. Net profit soared by over 160% to S$17.4 million.

These milestones were marked by coveted Singaporean and regional award-giving bodies, with Cityneon winning the award for Best Listed Company, and Ron winning the Executive of the Year – Media & Entertainment award at the SBR Management Excellence Awards 2018. Ron was also the recipient of the prestigious EY Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2019.

Forming New and Exiting Partnerships

Always on the lookout for ways to create even bigger, more mind-blowing events, Ron has formed partnerships with major international studios such as Disney, Marvel, Hasbro, Universal, Lionsgate and 20th Century Studios, developing electrifying new avenues for growing their respective billion-dollar brands.

Ron continues to expand Cityneon’s portfolio of projects by working with multinational companies and government agencies, travelling around the world in search of the next big idea for an unforgettable entertainment experience.

News Coverage


News Coverage



To comic book devotees and movie buffs, Ron Tan has the best job in the world. As executive chairman and group CEO of Cityneon, he gets to call the shots when building theme park sets and exhibitions filled with superheroes, robots and dinosaurs. But getting there...


Cityneon Executive Chairman & Group CEO, Ron Tan, Wins EY Entrepreneur of the Year
Signature Showcase – How Singapore’s Cityneon Leveraged IP for Inspired Growth Webinar
NLB Prominent Speaker Series with Ron Tan, Executive Chairman & Group CEO of Cityneon Holdings
Speech from Mr Ron Tan, Exec Chairman & Group CEO of Cityneon on Landing New R&D Facility in China